Electric ELVES in-person hybrid and electric vehicle training returned this month with training delivered at Plunket College, Dublin, the Nissan Academy in Naas and at the Waterford Wexford Training Centre in Waterford.
The training is designed to provide car recyclers with the knowledge and skills they need to safely receive and recycle electric and hybrid vehicles when they reach end-of-life. Electric ELVES also introduced the first offering for ATFs in Ireland of a more advanced City & Guilds Level 3 qualification in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Repair and Replacement alongside the programme’s original Safe Handling of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles awareness course.
“It’s fantastic to be back out there offering our Electric ELVES training once again and seeing the trainees face-to-face. It’s also great to be able to welcome Andy and his expertise back to deliver the training for us. There is nothing like hands-on demonstration and classroom interaction to bring a topic to life.” said Elena Wrelton, Environmental Compliance Manager at ELVES.
The Electric ELVES programme was rolled out in mid-2018, with the training component on offer to ATFs since 2019. In addition to awareness training, the Electric ELVES programme provides free collection and recycling of electric vehicle batteries, access to dismantling guides, and health and safety information to support the safe handling of electrified vehicles. The supports offered through the programme are provided free of charge to all ATFs in the country.
To-date, over 135 people have been trained under the programme from over 60 different ATFs. Online training on safety and awareness was provided during the restrictions, but in March training was in-person with the content designed and delivered by Andy Latham of Salvage Wire Ltd. Also launched was the delivery of a more advanced City and Guilds course, which is a Level 3 accredited qualification.
“The small group size and more in-depth content really helped me expand my knowledge of electric and hybrid vehicles and how they should be handled when they come into our yard. I completed the introductory Safe Handling of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles course with Electric ELVES two years ago and this new City and Guilds course, both refreshed and built my knowledge in this increasingly important area.” said Robbie Sweeney from Autotowing Ltd, a participant on the City and Guild’s course.

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